Techknow Study

Macro Creation

10:14:00 PM vikas 0 Comments Category : ,

Creation of Macro through NOTEPAD++
Some time we need an automated script/functionality to reduce manually work and time also.
Here I am giving a small example to create a macro with the help of notepad++. You can do the same with the help of excel only the function and all changed there.
Here you can see how to work on macro creation in notepad++
How to design a Macro
 As you can see every step’s in above image, But some more clarification I am defining all the steps.
Note: Try to use these shortcuts to walk through the notepad++
1.       CTRL+Arrow key-->To escape the whole word
2.       CTRL+SHIFT+Arrow key-->To mark the whole world
3.       CTRL+Delete/Backspace-->TO delete whole world
4.       Use Home  and End to move the cursor at the end or starting 

I am suggesting these shortcuts because playback is performed same as it recorded.
-->If you press backspace 2 times it always be same in playback action.
It will be good if you disable word wrap if you are working with multiple of lines

1. Click on start recording after writing your data into notepad

2. In above picture I am using END button to reach at the end of line, and after recording click on stop

Now you got your first macro.....  3. Use playback button to run macro once and use Run a macro multiple times button to run based on your choice