UNIX : Text editors
- asWedit : HTML editor
- axe: a simple X window text editor
- ee : easy edit: emacs with a help menu
- elvis : a vi clone
- emacs : start emacs. A more extensive documentation is available on-line. Reference card for GNU emacs is also available from FSF GNU emacs distribution.
- jed : jed text editor
- joe [filename] : a WordStar-like editor
- nedit : a Motif-based text editor
- pico : a simple text editor distributed as part of pine
- sqhm : SoftQuad’s HoTMetaL HTML editor.
- textedit [filename] : OpenWindow’s text editor
- vi [filename] : vi editor
- vile [filename] : a vi-clone
- vim [filename] : a vi-clone
- xcoral : a multiwindow X window text editor that can be used to browse C functions and C++ classes.
- xedit : a simple X window text editor