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How can you hide a rar file in an image file

10:19:00 PM vikas 2 Comments Category :

How can you hide a rar file in an image file .

As the security purpose and to make your knowledge strong
I want to share how to hide a winrar or winzip file.

May be some of you know this but for whom who did not know this technique this is quite interesting.

Use cmd command to combine .zip or hide .zip file behind .jpg

By using copy command in binary mode...

ex: copy /b d.jpg

it will create a d.jpg file showing original image of s.jpg n when open with winzip or winrar it shows compressed files...;)

You can extract your .rar or .zip file by extracting them form image.



  1. why zip then we can attach any file type?

  2. hey
    as i get ur point i understand this..........
    if u want to add any other file which have different extension just save it in a folder and compress it by winrar then fallow above instruction.
